End of Season – Thanks

Hi all,

Final games completed and the end of another season – I’ll leave the team/player stats until presentation evening-but a few thanks you’s are required.

Firstly to all the parents/supporters who have assisted us over the season, whether acting as taxi driver/supporter for your daughter to attend training/matches, helping with fund-raising, post-match food, raffles, tour, teeboy, 18’s match preparation, physio cover etc. I’ve said it before but our success as a girls section is not only down to the abilities shown by the girls on the training field and during matches, but also due to the huge off-field support we get from parents, family and friends. Thank you for everything you do to support us/the girls.

To the coaches over the season, Stu, Nia, Beetle, Jo, Cerys, Lorna- we are extremely fortunate to have a number of coaches willing to give up their time & knowledge for our benefit. Special mention to Stu who also ends up reffing most of our games as well. Thank you all.

Finally to the girls – thank you for the effort and commitment you continually show. Despite a slightly disjointed season (weather/lack of games post New Year) you always display a great attitude and team ethic. The standard of your performances is as a direct result of the hard work you put in to develop yourselves as individual players and as a team. As each year progresses we continue to develop and raise those standards thanks to the ‘legacies’ you leave within those Quins shirts. As always very proud to be associated with you all.

To those of you leaving us and moving on 😦 . Firstly huge thanks for your commitment over the years, it’s truly been our privilege to have you represent us on (and off) the field. Good luck for the future – whether on the field (hopefully moving into senior rugby and possible representative honours) or off it moving into uni/work/adulthood, we’ll always be supporting you. ‪#‎onceaquin‬

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